- Neumann M147 tube
- WA 47 Tube
- Rode K2 x 2 Tube
- Shure SM7
- Shure SM91
- Rode NT5 x 16 etc.
- EMI Abbey Road REDD47 stereo Tube mike preamp – a fateful to the original handmade clone with Carnhill transformers
- UREI 1176 LN compressors x 2
- Headphone amps, headphones

Main board:
- Soundtracs CM4400 28 channels / 12 subgroups
Main AD/DA converter:
- SSL Alpha Link Madi Ax
- Genelec 8240A
Guitar amps:
- Marshall JCM 2000 DSL
- Marshall Super Lead JTM (vintage 1997)
- Orange Rockerverb
- Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
- Mesa Boogie Mark III combo vintage
- Engl Savage 120
- The Witch – a custom made 5 channel high gain amp
Speaker cabinets:
- Marshall 4 x 12 Silver Jubilee
- Marshall 4×12 1960
- Orange 4 x 12 with Vintage 30s
- Hammond BV organ (form 1940’s), with added percussion. Virtually the same as B3.
- Leslie 122
- Master keyboard, weighted keys, Studiologic SL88 Studio.
Electric Guitars:
- Ibanez JEM x 2 with Di Marzio pickups
- Gibson Les Paul type guitar
- Framus Custom shop guitars with DiMarzio pickups x 2
- KD Custom made guitars with DiMarzio pickups x 2
- KD 5 string bass
Acoustic Guitars:
- Martin D50 acoustic
- Yamaha APX 6 string acoustic with pickup
- Yamaha APX 12 string (STEREO!) – acoustic with pickup
- Chet Atkins SST Epiphone semiacoustic
- Godin Dual Sustainiac semiacoustic
- Yamaha Oak Custom

The studio is equipped with a fast optical Internet connection.